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Online Hitting Academy

Yearly subscription for the Epstein Online Academy. Subscription starts on purchase date and ends August 31st, 2025. This membership gives you access to Jake Epstein every month with unlimited correspondence. This program is available to both baseball and softball players of all ages and is limited to 25 players.

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Perfect your swing at home

Online Connection

Markup tools and audio commentary to analyze your swing mechanics, timing and rhythm through the OnForm app

Tailored Plans

Prescribed drills based on needs assessment of swing video

Workout Library

Access to the entire Epstein Hitting drills library

Instructor Support

Direct access to Jake for questions and reviewing progress

How it works is so simple

Download The App

A personal invitation to the OnForm analysis app will be sent after completing the sign up process

Submit Swing

Record swing through phone, tablet device, or digital camera and submit through the app

Apply Analysis

Using the video submitted, Jake will analyze the player's swing and submit drills and instruction

Swing instruction for baseball and softball

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Amazing Results

Your video analysis is spot on and the drills are working. You are a natural born teacher/ coach and it shows thru in your analysis. Blake’s getting confidence from all that he has learned so I just wanted to say thank you.
Joe M.
The online hitting academy is awesome!!! I The lessons are well explained on how to perform the drills correctly. Jake has been great with Devlin as an early teen and now a young man.
Scott L.
We owe a great deal of Maria’s success to your program. Before we found you she was considering not playing softball anymore because it just wasn’t going well for her at the plate. Since then, she has really turned it around and made it possible for her to play at the D1 level.
Paul T.

Join The

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Online Academy

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