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2023 Hitting Coach/Instructor Certification Training TBD


The Epstein Hitting Certification Program is targeted to professional instructors, indoor training facilities, amateur coaches and most importantly parents of baseball and softball players.

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2023 Hitting Coach/Instructor Certification Training TBD



The Epstein Hitting Coach/Certification Program is our highest level of training for both baseball and softball. It is targeted to professional instructors, indoor training facilities, amateur baseball and softball organizations and most importantly parents of baseball and softball players. The majority of attendees are parents and amateur team coaches who are investing in themselves to work with kids and team members. This is the greatest gift we can provide parents…the knowledge and system enable parents to stay connected in their kids’ athletic future. Although youth coaches and parents are typically the majority of attendees, we always have a handful of collegiate coaches in attendance as well.


  • One-time fee: $1,399.99
  • Optional Re-Certification: $699.99 (email Jake directly for Re-Cert coupon code)

October 2023

  • TBD
  • DEC 2023
  • TBD
  • Location Website:

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