
Alexia Lopez

Armando Lopez

Hello Jake, my daughter Alexia had a great weekend, best hitting weekend of the season. In the four games that we played, she had 2 doubles, 1 triple, and believe or not, a grand slam. Your drills have really shortened up her swing and her extension is much better. Thank you so much. I will post a new game video soon for you to review. Also, I was asked by several other teams who are participating in the PGF nationals if she can join their teams for the tournament next month! I’m fighting myself in trying to stay humble, but its very hard. Alexa said she would like to meet you one day. Many thanks!

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Ryan Bass

Hey Jake,

Thanks for the analysis of Ryan. I wanted to give you an update… Ryan has hit 3 HR’s thus far early in the season (literally over the fence, not on fields without fences) which is unheard of in our town for a 9 year old… very few have ever even hit 1. He has crazy bat speed and strength, and combined with the technique you are helping me perfect, we might really be onto something. He’s batting about .540 with 41 RBI’s in 23 games. He’s the 3 hitter for them. I really appreciate your help and your training tips (and you crack some jokes on your videos too which make me laugh.) If you ever do a trip through Cincinnati or the midwest, we’d love to come. Or if you ever did a week long camp type of thing, we’d be there. We’re always looking for good camps, but i’m afraid they won’t instruct him with the same theories you do so i avoid them!

Best Regards,

Jeff Bass

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